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How to switch User Authentication Method for the Dynamics NAV PC Client

Christian Riechert

CBR Technology is an experienced Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner in California and implements the NAV solution, primarily in the Distribution, Manufacturing and Service Management industries. You can reach us via Telephone at (714) 901-5740 or via e-mail at . Please visit our website CBR Technology for more information.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV supports multiple local clients including a PC Client, Web Client and an iOS Device. In addition, NAV supports multiple methods to authenticate the user and the primary ways are Windows Authentication or NAVUserPassword . The Windows authentication method utilize your Windows Domain Controller to authenticate the user and give you central control over the credentials. The NavUserPassword method uses a separate method which relies on NAV exclusively for the setup and maintenance of its users. Difference NAV Implementations call for different methods. It is possible to SWITCH a user and local workstation from one method to another by editing the configuration file to do so.

SwitchingNAV Client to Different Authentication Method

Please note that the local APPDATA folder in the user directory is HIDDEN and has to be accessed via typing the path. You may re-configure your Windows system to show hidden items as well. The typical path is:

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\

The 110 is referring to Version 11.0 of the Dynamics NAV product, which represents NAV 2018. 100 would be NAV Version 2017 etc…

Also, the local NAV PC Client has to match the NAV Server Instance with regards to configuration. Microsoft allows you to have multiple NAV Instances on the same Server that could be configured differently from each other. You could decide to have 2 NAV Services Instances running on the Server, one with Windows and the other with NAV User authentication. You can then have multiple PC Client use different configurations to communicate with the Server.

For more info, please call us at Tel. (714) 901-5740…

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