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Intuit releases QuickBooks Enterprise R9 Service Pack

Christian Riechert

Intuit addressed a number of reported issue, some by my own customers. Please look to R9 to resolve the following issue:

Accounts Payable The check box in Pay bills will not jump to the beginning of the list. Advanced Inventory It is no longer possible to edit Inventory site information when Multi Location Inventory is turned off. Banking Reconciled payments that are upgraded from earlier versions no longer show the Bounced Check stamp. Company Snapshot Long items will no longer be cut off in the company snapshot screen. Condense Data Company files larger than 2GB can now be condensed successfully. Enhanced Inventory Receiving QuickBooks should no longer display Unrecoverable Error 15032 91866 when enabling Enhanced Inventory Receiving. More company files that were having problems before can now use EIR. The conversion will succeed. File Operations The Email address, Build number and user mode are now displayed correctly when entered by the customer and sent with an event (unrecoverable error) report. Help Attempting to send Help feedback when the Help servers are unavailable will no longer cause an abnormal program termination. The help link for “learn more about event reporting” will now correctly open the help topic. The in product help steps to access Accountant’s copy have been updated. Install Customers who originally installed from R3 or a later release will no longer have problems changing to a different edition of Premier or running a repair. The error “1334: The file “QBW32EnterpriseAccountant.exe” cannot be installed” should no longer display. The one click upgrade from older versions of QuickBooks to QuickBooks 2012 will no longer encounter an MSXML error. Intuit Payment Network IPN links will no longer appear on void invoices or in print preview mode of pending invoices. Duplicate text about IPN will no longer appear in emails that accompany IPN-enabled invoices. Inventory The Finished assembly Serial Number drop-down is no longer available when not appropriate. QuickBooks will no longer restart when rebuilding company files with certain inventory conditions. Multi-user messaging about Serial and Lot numbers being in use by another user has been updated. The inventory Clean up Quickview window has been updated to show both positive and negative quantity items. There should no longer be cases where the Transaction List by Lot Number report is blank when transactions exist for the that Lot Number. When you turn off Advanced Inventory or Serial Number/Lot Number tracking, you will still be able to see Location, SN and LN info on the adjustments. The Insufficient Lot count message will no longer be displayed when editing build assemblies. Invoices The unrecoverable errors introduced in R8 that affected sales forms and items have been fixed. Lists Credit card numbers entered when creating new customers are now recognized as a valid card number. Item name and notes are preserved when saved for a newly created item. Multi-Currency The Cost Change Alert will now display the correct currency symbol. Payroll The address will now be displayed without any blank space when an employee does not have a line 2 in the address. The city line is no longer repeated twice when printing a paystub. The signature settings for printing checks will no longer be lost if a different user that does not use the check signature logs in. Correcting the PIN for File and Pay taxes is now case sensitive. This is good because entering the PIN was always case sensitive. Now you can correct it if you got it wrong. PDF Resolved an issue where a Company name change is not reflected on the Send Invoice view. Preferences Preferences will no longer prompt you to save your changes when switching to another screen unless you have made changes. Price Markup The type of markup will no longer default back to “Percent over Cost” when you reopen the Edit Markup window. QuickBooks should no longer fail to verify data with the “Overflow” error message. QuickBooks Merchant Services You no longer need to be an admin to process credit card payments using QuickBooks Merchant Services. QuickBooks Online Banking Many instances of the OL-392 online banking error have been fixed. Users and Permissions The wording in the Accounting and Banking permissions for Enterprise edition has been updated.

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